Emergency Management Program Staff

The EM Program's team members are well-trained and experienced in Emergency Management best practices, the National Incident Management System (NIMS) and Incident Command System (ICS), as well as their individual EM Program specialties and the Incident Management Team (IMT) roles they fill during emergencies. They work closely with stakeholder partners during blue-skies to coordinate planning, training, and practice, ensuring the county is ready to respond effectively to all types of hazards during gray-skies.
During an emergency or disaster response, the EOC Activation Level is raised; EM personnel fill positions managing the Command, Public Information, Planning, and Logistics functions of the EOC IMT and supervise the county personnel temporarily tasked with supporting the incident response. IMT priorities are life safety, impact assessment, and stabilization of Community Lifelines.
Once basic Lifelines are re-established, activation of the EOC de-escalates, incident response transitions into community recovery, and the County begins implementing its plans for debris clean-up, infrastructure repairs, and community restoration (including taking action to mitigate future damage from local hazards.)

Community Lifelines are the integrated network of assets, services, and capabilities that are used day-to-day to support the ongoing needs of society. Multiple components and subcomponents make up each lifeline. During a disaster response, First Responders conduct life-safety operations; Emergency Management focuses on stabilizing Community Lifelines.