Stay Informed
When it comes to disasters, it's important to be prepared, know your zone, and get timely, accurate information. Emergency Management regularly posts preparedness information, hazard alerts, and suggested protective measures to Facebook, Nextdoor, and X. During an emergency or disaster you can trust the information you find on these official accounts. Be sure to have multiple ways to get alerts and warnings from the EOC's Joint Information Center, even during power outages. ​

Keep your phone, charger, radio, spare batteries, solar and car charger adapters in an easily accessible place. Make sure back-up power packs are charged and consider placing these items in a waterproof bag or container.
Create a list of emergency phone numbers. Include insurance company and power company, as well as your friends and family. Program these numbers into your phone and consider store at least one contact in your phone as "ICE" - In Case of Emergency.
Keep a hard copy of the list just in case your phone dies. -
Download a weather-related or local news media app to your smartphone, like this one from FEMA. These can help you keep track of approaching storms, changing conditions, and evacuation notices. AlertNassau has a mobile app option, too.
AlertNassau is part of Florida's Statewide Notification System, an alerting tool that helps public safety officials rapidly warn the population about imminent hazards via phone, text message, email, social media, and mobile applications on smartphones.
Residents and visitors who want to receive local alerts must “Opt-In” and provide their contact preferences (text alerts, e-mails, or voice messages to home, mobile, or business phones) via the secure AlertNassau website. Individuals can quickly get evacuation, shelter-in-place, and road closure information pertinent to any location(s) they specify. Those who opt-in can also elect to receive notifications when the National Weather Service issues an advisory, watch, or warning for their location(s). These "Smart Weather Alerts" are completely customizable and can be changed by the user anytime.
To only sign-up for short text alerts from Emergency Management via Nixle, text the keyword OneNassau to 888777. NWS smart weather alerts are not available through the Nixle system and the messages sent using this option are not location-based. There is no charge for the Nixle service, but Msg & Data rates for your cellular plan may apply. Message frequency varies.
Click Here for more information about the Nixle system.
Nassau County Emergency Management uses Facebook, Nextdoor, and X platforms to
engage the public and promote our mission to help the whole community before, during,
and after disasters. Residents can trust that messages shared from the @NassauEM social media accounts contain the best available information at the time they are posted.

IPAWS is the nation's Integrated Public Alert & Warning System. It is used by authorized public safety officials to push critical information to the public through:
Wireless Emergency Alert (WEA) broadcasts from specific cellular network towers to the mobile phones in that affected area,
Emergency Alert System (EAS) broadcasts to radio and television, and
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's (NOAA) Weather Radio alerts.